MMC Innovates network

The MMC Innoveert network is a dynamic ecosystem, in which MMC and its cooperation partners play an important role. The aim is to create a powerful regional cluster in the field of broad care and technology. An open and innovative business climate in which a wide range of entrepreneurs, (medical) disciplines and areas of expertise find, inspire and strengthen each other.

Together with others, we work on innovations in the healthcare sector, with support provided by, among others:

Brainport Development

Brainport Development is de ontwikkelmaatschappij van Brainport. Zij ondersteunt start-ups, bedrijven en mensen van het MMC om hun innovaties te ontwikkelen en te versnellen. Belangeloos en onafhankelijk, met onder meer advies over financiering en koppeling aan relevante organisaties in de regio Brainport. 

Brabant Development Company

The Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) helps companies in Brabant to grow further. It makes knowledge, capital, talent, market and facilities available for this purpose. Within the MMC Innoveert network, BOM contributes through financing and specific (entrepreneurial) expertise to the development and marketing of promising innovations in healthcare.

Brainport Next Move

Brainport Next Move is an alliance of TU/e, Fontys Colleges, Summa College, Brainport Development, BOM and BrightMove. This partnership aims to connect the fragmented supply of entrepreneurial support in the region, promote community formation and increase the number of start-ups, people moving on and SMEs. 


Through Innovation Service Teckle, Rabobank offers knowledge, resources and drive to existing and current incubators in order to market new products or services. In addition, Rabobank Medicidesk offers (prospective) doctors a sounding board and tailored advice. 


ehvLINC offers legal support at a fraction of the current rates. Tilburg University law students provide (under supervision) start-ups with legal advice and work in the field of tech law, business law and tax law. 

Netherlands Patent Office

The Netherlands Patent Office provides support in the field of intellectual property. 

Smarter Living 2020

Coöperatie Slimmer Leven 2020 brings together government institutions, healthcare institutions, hospitals, housing corporations, welfare institutions, knowledge institutes, businesses and health insurers. Together they promote innovative technological concepts in the field of care, housing and welfare. 


Subsidycloud helps entrepreneurs to finance their innovative project(s). With the LifeScience & Health sector, which falls within one of our expertise areas in the field of technology grants, we are proud to be a partner of the Partners MMC Innoveert

Brainport TechLaw

Brainport TechLaw was founded in 2013 and is a platform where technology and law come together. Literally and figuratively. Our goal is to combine, share and safeguard specific knowledge in the field of technology and law. We do this by bringing our members - entrepreneurs in (high)tech sectors, and specialist advisors (including accountants, lawyers, patent attorneys) - into contact with each other and by organising theme meetings.

We are also the initiator of an independent arbitration institute, specifically for technology disputes.