Protect your digital innovations
Wednesday 4 October 2017, Entrepreneursplein Eindhoven
For all innovative entrepreneurs who work on apps, big data, algorithms, smart systems and internet of things, the Netherlands Patent Office organizes the free clinic' Protect your digital innovations' on Wednesday 4 October afternoon.
You apply for a patent for an invention. And your brand name is recorded. But how do you protect new software? And how do you work smartly and strategically to protect digital innovations? Come to our clinic on Wednesday 4 October and you will receive answers to these questions.
Participation in this meeting is free of charge. Enter your name for the meeting and make a choice for participation in two clinics.
For more information, please contact the Publieksvoor informatie van Octrooicentrum Nederland: or 088 602 6660.
Octrooicentrum in the Netherlands, part of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, is carrying out this event on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Follow us also via #NLsmartIE.